Saturday, February 15, 2020

McQuarrie concept ship

Working on a Mando cockpit but in the meantime, this is a fun little ship I always loved when I’d flip through my worn copy of From Star Wars to Indiana Jones. It’s listed in the book as a Joe Johnston design, among many early Falcon sketches but might actually be a concept sketch by Ralph McQuarrie for Return of the Jedi-- it shows up in a few sketches by him for that movie.

Either way, I was somehow able to work my photomatch magic on it!


  1. This sketch was by Ralph not Joe, lovely work regardless ;)

  2. I think you're right, thanks for keeping me on my toes! In fact, probably not the Falcon at all, as I've seen this same ship landing in a bay in a ROTJ concept sketch by McQuarrie as well.
