The medbay in ESB is weird little room. What we see on screen is very brief, just a quick shot with Luke and Leia, and then from another angle with Luke getting up. But there's really not much visible.
There were maquettes built that show a room in the same placement as the bay in Force Awakens; in the main hold essentially opposite the couch and holo-chess table.
On the set of ESB, they never built anything there. There's literally just a hole in the set that they use for camera placement.

so what did they build?
There's not much to go on, but years ago I noticed that there's part of a ring that's the same piece used on the corridors in the rest of the falcon.
so, knowing the dimensions of that ring from various blueprints, I was able to construct this photomatch.
at bare minimum, we're looking at a set piece that looks like this:
I'm skeptical, to say the least, that this could fit into the area in the maquette or the Force Awakens set....
So I ask you.... where the hell is that supposed to be?
well here's my favorite solution.